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Regenagri Regenerative Certified

10 March 2025

No Poverty

We promote economic opportunities for our employees to support their monthly income.

Zero Hunger

We are working with a food engineer to provide improved nutrition for our employees.
Our target is to minimize our food waste; we plan to help the animal shelter in our region.

Good Health & Well-Being

We made an arrangement with private hospitals to enable Full Check-up services at a 30% lower cost.
Our target is to send all our female employees for breast cancer screening on March 8th, international women's day.

Quality Education

We promote lifelong learning opportunities for our employees through frequent training.
We support the Turkish Education Foundation, which funds the education of young people.

Our target is to financially support our employees with children enrolled in kindergarten or university.

Gender Equality

Our target is to empower the female workforce by providing access to skills such as forklift licenses.

Clean Water & Sanitation

5 April 2023

Affordable & Clean Energy

We utilize LED lighting to consume 3% less energy and lower CO2 emissions from electricity production.
We equipped our weaving facility with new air-conditioning filters that allow us to consume 10% less electricity.

Our target is to increase substantially the share of renewable energy in our energy consumption by 2030.

Decent Work & Economic Growth

We implement health and safety measures and promote supportive working environments according to international standards.
Our target is to extend maternity leave to 18 months.
Our target is to extend paternity leave to 10 days.
Our target is to extend compassionate leave to 5 days for immediate family members and 2 days for distant relatives.

Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

We constantly search for the most complete solution to manage innovation and continuous improvement while achieving efficient and sustainable production.
Our target is to award our employees who develop environmental and occupational safety plans and strategies.

Reduced Inequalities

80% of our quality control department consists of women employees.

Sustainable Cities & Communities

5 April 2023

Responsible Consumption & Production

Our entire production facility focuses on design solutions and efficient production processes while minimizing environmental impact.

Climate Action

We harvest, store, and purify rainwater, which saves us 10% of our water consumption.
We utilize LED lighting to consume 3% less energy and lower CO2 emissions from electricity production.
We equipped our weaving facility with new air-conditioning filters that allow us to consume 10% less electricity and 20% less water.

Our main aim is to pursue excellence by optimizing our processes while minimizing the waste of resources.
Our target is to launch a campaign to collect waste oil and batteries within our facilities.

Life Below Water

In order to prevent plastic/marine pollution, we decreased plastic consumption in our mill and placed recycling bins to raise awareness in our community.
Our target is to plan to take action in coastal areas of our region and organize team events that focus on restoration to achieve healthy and productive oceans.

Life on Land

We work towards raising environmental awareness to protect our planet and nature.
Every year, we support the Aegean Forest Foundation, which plants saplings on behalf of our employees.

Our target is to design our factory landscape to support a healthy ecosystem.

Peace, Justice & Strong Institutions

We promote inclusion and respect towards people of different ethnic origins, religions, gender, sexual orientations, or different opinions.

Partnerships for the Goals

We believe in the power of collaboration that unifies us as an undivided team with our employees and business partners. Our collaborative work ethic and communication approach are the foundation of our business.
Our target is to collaborate with a garment manufacturer to deliver clothing to rural schools.

Recycled Claim Standard (RCS)

1 December 2022

Organic Content Standard (OCS)

1 December 2022

Global Recycled Standard (GRS)

1 December 2022


1 December 2022


1 December 2022

Global Organic Textile Standard (GOTS)

1 December 2022

23 World Plaza

Sed non porttitor leo. Curabitur tristique ligula non purus vestibulum sodales. Nunc quis nisl orci. Proin id nisi ut odio vulputate gravida. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magni

The Penn Center

Nulla cursus orci turpis, in iaculis nulla semper eu. Praesent feugiat nibh varius, lacinia velit cursus, porttitor risus. Nunc consequat ipsum quis elit porta, in elementum sapien vehicula.

101 City Boulevard

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam commodo ante nec enim faucibus, et aliquam purus blandit. Nulla leo neque, vulputate eu ligula in, congue.

590 Odessa Ave

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8 September 2019

Night Running

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Fire Mountain

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Nectar Refresh

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Salient Campaign

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Through the glass

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Salient Concert Promo

10 January 2017

Nectar Motors

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Claire Smith

16 December 2016

Track Athletic Gear

15 December 2016

iPhone App

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Virtual Reality

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Nectar Web

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Salient Business

12 November 2016

Building Design

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Corey Jackson

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The Snow Fox

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Nectar Advertisement

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Summer Waves

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The Journey

8 October 2016

Every Morning

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Night Waves

13 September 2016

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